Friday 28 February 2014

Comb Sort

Comb Sort
Comb sort is a relatively simple sorting algorithm originally designed by Włodzimierz Dobosiewicz in 1980. Later it was rediscovered by Stephen Lacey and Richard Box in 1991. Comb sort improves on bubble sort.
Data structure
, where p is the number of increments[1]

comb_sort(list of t)
    gap = list.count
    temp as t
    swapped = false
    while gap > 1 or not swapped
        swapped = false
        if gap > 1 then
            gap = floor(gap/1.3)
        i = 0
        while i + gap < list.count
            if list(i) > list(i + gap)
                temp = list(i) // swap
                list(i) = list(i + gap)
                list(i + gap) = temp

            i += 1

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